On 30 May 2015, at 4:48am, Etienne Charland <mysteryx93 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I think I found where the problem is coming from. I did an automated database 
> conversion from SQL Server. Most primary keys are GUIDs. In SQLite, these 
> columns are still defined as 'uniqueidentifier' which is not a valid data 
> type. If I try updating a table that has INT primary key, then it works. So 
> the problem is with the GUID primary key.
> SQLite doesn't seem to support this data type, but it kind of does. Can 
> System.Data.SQLite handle these fields properly? How should I define these 
> columns? I also think I read something about needing extra code when 
> inserting new data where the key isn't auto-generated by the database, but 
> can't find where I read that.

Define the columns as having a type of TEXT.

And yes, you will need to write your own code to genereate new GUIDs.


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