op 12-11-2015 17:35 schreef J Decker op d3ck0r at gmail.com:
> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 7:16 AM, E.Pasma <pasma10 at concepts.nl> wrote:
>> 12 nov 2015, om 07:02, J Decker:
>>> So I've used CTE to solve a simple problem... I'm tempted to use it to
>>> fix more problems... but I'm wondering how to select different values
>>> at different levels.  I know there's like 'select * from table where
>>> column in ( set,of,things) ' but can I index into the set?  is there
>>> some sort of way I can specify an array of values?
>>> would like to do something like ' select value from option_map where
>>> name is ["system","device","com port", "1" ] '  where the program
>>> statement would look more like
>>> GetOptionValue ( "/system/device/com port/1" ) where the name is
>>> really sort of registry like and variable in length...
>>> I could probably do some sort of indexing passing that exact string
>>> through and parsing in SQL the substrings of interest based on the
>>> level of the query... but would rather preparse the string.
>> Below is another possible answer. This uses a recursive cte to split an
>> input full path name into seperate names.
>> with walk as (
> was hoping to not have to do the substr part in the query....
> and would like the path to be more on the external usage of 'walk' in
> this case than inside the expression
So something like "select value from option_map_view where path is <array or
set type>"?
A path name like '/system/device/com port/1' is used as an array of names
here. Only the indexing with intst and substr is laborious. Maybe some
future SQLite version includes a group_split function to make this easier.
It seems impossible to me in plain SQL to write an efficient view for a
query like this. As you say below the whole map need to be walked at each
query to find a match.
User defined functions, virtual tables or function based indexes may offer
an efficient solution.

> would be better than building up the address to get a comparison at
> the end since the whole map would have to be walked.

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