On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 4:52 PM, J Decker <d3ck0r at gmail.com> wrote:

> > So something like "select value from option_map_view where path is
> <array or
> > set type>"?
> > A path name like '/system/device/com port/1' is used as an array of names
> > here. Only the indexing with intst and substr is laborious. Maybe some
> > future SQLite version includes a group_split function to make this
> easier.
> > It seems impossible to me in plain SQL to write an efficient view for a
> > query like this. As you say below the whole map need to be walked at each
> > query to find a match.
> > User defined functions, virtual tables or function based indexes may
> offer
> > an efficient solution.
> >
> Hmm a user function could be interesting; hard to see a threadsafe
> version but could keep the array of values internally and and return
> them as 'getOption(n)' as I descend each layer...

I think this case wants something like a table-valued user function:
as used by:

That's basically what you just said, except in a way which isn't kludging
things together.

[I think, apologies if I mis-read things.]


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