On 11/17/15, Yuri <yuri at rawbw.com> wrote:
> This message always leaves the user wondering: "Which constraint?"
> How hard is it to add this information to the message? Is this a matter
> of memorizing the ID of the constraint, and then printing its name in
> the message?

It is a substantial change (basically a complete rewrite of the entire
foreign key constraint mechanism) which would negatively impact both
space and performance.

The current foreign key constraint mechanism uses a single counter.
As constraints are violated, the counter increments, and as
constraints are resolved the counter decrements.  At the end, if the
counter is greater than zero then a "foreign key constraint" error is

To provide information about which constraint(s) failed, it would be
necessary to have a bag (a list or hash table or an associative array)
of all the constraints that have been violated and then remove
elements from the bag as constraints are resolved.

A bag takes more run-time memory than a single counter.  (Maybe a lot
more, depending on how many elements it holds.)  Adding an element to
a bag takes more time than incrementing a counter.  (In particular,
adding an element to a bag probably involves one or more calls to
malloc().) Removing an element from a bag takes more time than
decrementing a counter.

D. Richard Hipp
drh at sqlite.org

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