> It is a substantial change (basically a complete rewrite of the entire
> foreign key constraint mechanism) which would negatively impact both
> space and performance.

I think the argument is fallacious.

Don't keep the bag, keep only one integer ID of the first failed 
constraint. That's all the users mostly care about.

// --- pseudo-code at the point of failure ---
if (!...check if constraint failed...) {
   // fast branch: normal stuff when constraint is satisfied, not 
impacted by the change at all
} else { // constraint failed
   // slow branch: failure is normally unexpected, this is executed very 
   if (!savedFailedID) savedFailedID = currentFailedID; // the only 
added line is

You only need to modify the slow branch. This has practically zero 
performance impact, in any case it is exactly zero for the non-failure 


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