11 okt 2015, om 15:27, R.Smith:
> On 2015-10-11 03:14 PM, E.Pasma wrote:
>> Hello,
>> One of the expected changes in 3..9.0 is:
>> A view may now reference undefined tables and functions when  
>> initially created. Missing tables and functions are reported when  
>> the VIEW is used in a query.
>> I could not resist trying a recursive view like in a CTE:
>> SQLite version 3.8.12 2015-10-07 13:24:27
>> create view v as select 1 as c union all select c+1 from v where  
>> c<10;
>> select c from v;
>> Error: view v is circularly defined
>> So this is clearly not intended.
> You cannot reference a View within itself - this is what circularly  
> means. This is very different to being able to reference a table  
> that doesn't exist yet.

That was only meant as an introduction. My only real point is that the  
particular error is not always raised.
Here is a more to the point example:

SQLite version 3.8.12 2015-10-07 13:24:27
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> create view v as select c+1 from v;
sqlite> select *from v;
Error: view v is circularly defined
sqlite> create view v2(c) as select c+1 from v2;
sqlite> select *from v2;
Segmentation fault

Sorry for being too verbose in the original mail.

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