I'm struggling to implement an INSERT statement that get's is values from a
CTE.  What I want to do is identify zip/crrt combinations at meet minimum
qty specifications, and then insert into a table the recid values of those
record destined to the identify zip/crrts.  While the syntax below is
incorrect, hopefully it conveys what I am trying to accomplish.

Can someone assist?  Your time and consideration is much appreciated.
don v nielsen

Note: CTAS would work in this scenario.  But I cannot figure out that
syntax, as well.

insert into vo_crrt_pieces (recid)
values (
  -- controls from carrier route processing
  pkg_controls AS (
    SELECT * FROM d_pkg WHERE pkg_level = 'CRD'
  -- select pieces that meeting pkg and pkg_level minimums
  , min_pkgs_met AS (
      , a.crrt
      , count(1) pkg_pieces
      , sum(CASE WHEN c.selective THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) sel_pieces
      , sum(CASE WHEN NOT c.selective THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) non_pieces
      addresses [a]
      , pkg_controls [b]
    JOIN versions [c] ON c.ver_id = a.version_id
    WHERE trim(crrt) <> ''
      count(1) > b.min_pkg
      AND sum(CASE WHEN NOT c.selective THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) > b.min_pieces
  SELECT recid
  FROM addresses [c]
  JOIN min_pkgs_met [a] ON a.zip = c.zip AND a.crrt = a.crrt

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