On 2015-10-28 11:25 AM, General Discussion of SQLite Database wrote:
>> Could you preserve the sender's name in the from header instead of
>> substituting the generic "General Discussion of SQLite Database"?
>> This would make it possible to automatically highlight messages by
>> author, i.e. the SQLite dev team.
> I second that request!

I third that request!

Even if the sender email address is hidden, it is immensely important to know 
a glance (in the headers) who is the one speaking.  The SQLite lists receive a 
lot of traffic and I only read a fraction of them, often deciding what to read 
by who sent it (along with subject).

The list message headers should still have 2 email addresses, one being the 
address and name as usual, and the other being the sender's name, but for them 
have a faux address such as no-reply at mailinglists.sqlite.org so that 
address books don't automatically associate some random poster's name with the 
mailing list itself.

-- Darren Duncan

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