> Those binary representations can be converted back into precise decimal
> representations, but those decimal representations will not be the original
> decimal values, because they were translated from decimal strings into
> binary floating-point values and back into decimal strings.
> -scott

This explains the deficiency in the SQLite print function, but it doesn't
have to be that way.

See: Steele, Jr., Guy L., and White, Jon L. How to print floating-point
numbers accurately. In Proc. ACM SIGPLAN ?90 Conf. Prog. Lang. Design and
Implementation. ACM (White Plains, NY, June 1990), 112?126. ACM SIGPLAN
Notices 25, 6 (June 1990).

A retrospective by Steele & White is here:


I'm not advocating that SQLite add Steele & White's Dragon algorithm, just
pointing out that there are ways to fix the deficiency.


Doug Currie
doug.currie at gmail.com

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