On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Richard Hipp <drh at sqlite.org> wrote:

> On 9/4/15, Domingo Alvarez Duarte <sqlite-mail at dev.dadbiz.es> wrote:
> > I'm testing sqlite3 trunk on existing code and noticed that the changes
> to
> > "create index" using expressions/functions is breaking on old databases.
> Should now be fixed on trunk.  Please update and try again.

Neither [1] and [2] clearly spell out the syntaxes allowed to refer to
column or table names.
And I don't recall reading about it in the online doc. Did I miss it (quite
possible), or is it simply not there?

Could someone please point the exact rules ("naked", double-quotes,
square-brakets, etc...) in the doc please?

Thanks, --DD


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