On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Richard Hipp <drh at sqlite.org> wrote:

> Draft documentation for the current design of JSON support in SQLite
> can be seen on-line at
>     https://www.sqlite.org/draft/json1.html
> Your feedback is encouraged.
> All features described in the document above are implemented and
> working in the latest trunk version of SQLite, which you can download
> in source-code form from https://www.sqlite.org/src/timeline?y=ci and
> compile yourself using instructions found at
> https://www.sqlite.org/src/doc/trunk/README.md

Given json_each(), you can transform json into a table-alike feature.  I
found myself wondering if there was anything which could easily take a
result set and convert it to json.  I can see that something like this
could convert a result row into a json object:
  SELECT json_object("c", c, "d", d", ...) FROM ...;
but it's not obvious to me how to feed all of those json objects to
json_array().  You could do things like string together a bunch of
sub-queries, I suppose.

Riffing off group_concat(), maybe something like this makes sense:
  SELECT json_group_array(json_object("c", c, "d", d)) FROM t WHERE
<condition> GROUP BY <something>;

Now, if you were to ask me what I would use that for ... I would come up
blank.  I mostly suggested it because it feels like there is a piece


Someone else mentioned json_array_index() - while I agree that
json_extract() can do the same thing, it does somewhat feel like a natural
thing to have json_array_index().  And it could optionally support slicing:
  json_array_index('[1,2,3,4]', 1) -> 2
  json_array_index('[1,2,3,4]', 2, 2) -> '[3,4]'
Though I suppose something like:
  json_extract('[1,2,3,4]', '$[0,2..3]')
might be a cleaner place to put a slicing syntax.  Of course if I went
there, I'd also wonder about '$.{a,c}' as syntax to generate an object
slice.  Maybe v+1 for this kind of thing.


In the table for json_insert/replace/set(), I suspect the last row should
have function json_set().


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