On 4 Apr 2016, at 12:05pm, Domingo Alvarez Duarte <sqlite-mail at 
dev.dadbiz.es> wrote:

> Thanks for reply !  
> If I issue this command :  
> PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = OFF;  
> Then I get the same answer (I mean it uses indexes now):  
> explain query plan select * from companies where post_code like 'rg%';  
> SEARCH TABLE companies USING INDEX companies_post_code_idx (post_code>? AND
> post_code<?)  
> It seems strange why sqlite is not using the indexes with the default
> case_sensitive_like settings, here is the schema:  

Well I'm glad I helped you fix the problem.  Unfortunately I do not know where 
SQLite gets its default setting for "PRAGMA case_sensitive_like".  The 
situation you reported does look rather strange.  Maybe someone else can help.


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