Thanks for reply !  

I already sent a proposal to Richard to add a pragma "PRAGMA DEBUG_MODE" and
when set throw any kind of error to stderr/sqlite3_(hook) this way ther is no
need to store temporary conditions to show later.  

And of course sqlite knows which table/field failed to flag the error, it
doesn't throw a dice to do it.

Cheers !  
>  Mon Apr 04 2016 10:35:35 PM CEST from "Petite Abeille"
><petite.abeille at>  Subject: Re: [sqlite] FOREIGN KEY constraint
>>On Apr 4, 2016, at 6:14 PM, Richard Hipp <drh at sqliteorg> wrote:
>> On 4/4/16, Domingo Alvarez Duarte <sqlite-mail at> wrote:
>>>sqlite knows which table/field failed

>>  No it doesn't, actually. 

>  And yet, that same question comes over, and over, and over, ad nauseam.
>Each and every time a poor soul is confronted with that obscure message.
> Oh well? 
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