On 17 Apr 2016, at 1:02pm, William Drago <wdrago at verizon.net> wrote:

> I am forced to consider this approach because my function will be receiving 
> blobs but will have no idea what those blobs are.

Why do you care ?  A BLOB is a BLOB.  It doesn't matter whether it's an 
integer, a string, a car, a peace treaty or the smell of newly cut grass.  You 
store it when told to and retrieve it when told to.

> if this "feature" is not clearly documented someone in the future will have a 
> very hard time figuring out why the blobs don't make sense.

BLOBs don't make sense.  They're opaque.  You are not meant to understand 
anything about what's in a BLOB.  That's for the layer of your software which 
packs the information into a blob or unpacks the blob back into information.

If you actually want to store, for example, integers, you shouldn't be storing 
a BLOB in the first place.


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