On 20 Apr 2016, at 9:36am, Cecil Westerhof <cldwesterhof at gmail.com> wrote:

> On a clean system:
> SECURE_DELETE=1, DROP ONLY          17  minutes
> SECURE_DELETE=1, DELETE and DROP    14  minutes
> SECURE_DELETE=0, DROP only           4? minutes
> SECURE_DELETE=0, DELETE and DROP      ? minute
> [...]
> I am baffled.

/You're/ baffled ?

There have been recent optimizations for "DELETE FROM myTable" with no WHERE 
clause.  They now recognise that deleting all rows from a table is a special 
case and do it very efficiently.  But, with settings remaining the same, 
there's no way that DELETE DROP should take less time than DROP by itself.  The 
development team /does/ read this list and I'm sure someone is looking at this. 
 No need to post it as a bug anywhere.

My only guess is that somehow caching is playing a big part in this.


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