21 apr 2016, Cecil Westerhof:
> ?I think it is an edge case. On my real system I only got this when  
> there
> where 1E8 records. I am now testing on very old (8 year) hardware to  
> and
> from work.

the answer to Cecils question is YES here. I tested on a computer with  
just 512 Mb RAM. It took almost an hour to drop the testuniqueUUID  
table. Same result for delete. This is "very long" in terms of SQLite.  
I also tested dropping a 500Mb table with only integer data and that  
took a minute. Below is the output of both tests.
Note the integer test is done on a more recent SQLite version as to  
use the series extension. I believe the version does not matter as I  
started drop testuniqueUUID db also on this later version.  
Unfortunately interrupted that after 10 minutes.
Thanks for all the info, E. Pasma

$ uname -aDarwin mac-mini-van-epasma.local 9.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version  
9.8.0: Wed Jul 15 16:57:01 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.15.4~1/RELEASE_PPC  
Power Macintosh

$ sqlite3 checkUUID.sqlite
SQLite version 3.8.11 2015-07-27 13:49:41
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> begin;
sqlite> .timer on
sqlite> drop table testUniqueUUID;
Run Time: real 3846.582 user 5.418944 sys 25.144210
sqlite> rollback;
Run Time: real 36.348 user 0.036132 sys 0.218740
sqlite> .quit

$ sqlite3 westerhof2.db
SQLite version 3.12.0 2016-03-22 15:26:03
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> create table t (t integer primary key);
sqlite> .load series
sqlite> insert into t select value from generate_series(1,60000000);
sqlite> .sys du -h westerhof2*
516M    westerhof2.db
sqlite> begin;
sqlite> .timer on
sqlite> drop table t;
Run Time: real 52.705 user 6.383107 sys 5.870330
sqlite> rollback;
Run Time: real 0.085 user 0.001651 sys 0.006027
sqlite> .quit

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