On 01/25/2016 04:47 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On 1/25/16, Matthias-Christian Ott <ott at mirix.org> wrote:
>> Does this mean that if I use SQLite SQLITE_EXTRA_DURABLE=0, PRAGMA
>> journal_mode=DELETE and PRAGMA synchronous=FULL, SQLite could loose a
>> transaction that it said to be committed depending on the VFS?
> Sort of.  This appears to be true if you are running on QNX and you
> lose power (or do a hard reset) shortly after the transaction commits.
> It might be the case on other OSes/filesystems but it has never before
> been observed.

Both XFS and Ceph on Linux require the directory fsync operation to make
an unlink persistent.  (I did not run experiments, I asked people
familiar with these file systems.)

Please activate directory fsyncs for Linux, too.


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