On 17 Feb 2016, at 2:37pm, Dave Baggett <dmb at inky.com> wrote:

> I'm seeking specific advice on how to tune SQLite for this application when 
> deployed on a target with extremely poor write performance. On this target 
> writing in many small chunks is much more expensive than writing in a single 
> big sequential chunk. In particular, the write syscall is very expensive, 
> because frequent writes cause the host to spend huge amounts of time in lock 
> contention, because the locking strategy is very coarse.

The vast majority of time spent writing is not in the change you asked to make 
(INSERT, UPDATE, etc.) but in the measures made to handle the transaction: 
locking, ensuring ACID, etc..

Are you doing multiple write commands in one chunk of time ?  If so, are you 
enclosing them in a single transaction ?


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