So, if I understand correct, you create a file and then start to add a 
schema etc. Before the schema is committed (or before the exclusive 
transaction is started) you assume that other threads/processes /might/ 
be opening the file and trying to write some data to it (because reading 
would be harmless), and you further assume, because you have now found 
corruptions, that this might be the root of such corruptions?

I don't see a reason to believe it definitely is, but you could, easily 
eliminate the options.

If an SQLite DB file gets opened (for reading) by another sqlite engine, 
the result is harmless and should end in errors (Zero possibility of 
If such a file gets opened for writing to a schema that does not exist, 
again, only errors should be thrown, no corruption should be happening.
If such a file gets opened, and found to NOT have a schema, then try to 
create the schema (all within the period between opening the file and 
adding a schema by the first connection), then the first connection 
should find the file to be locked, or at least, transaction-locked, and 
throw the error.

I cannot believe there is a plausible and possible way of encountering 
the described race condition, much less it causing corruption.
This doesn't mean it isn't possible (just that I find it hard to 
believe), but it's very easy to prove programmatically.

Have you instrumented the code?
Have you checked EVERY return code from every SQLite call?
Are you certain the file system isn't of the networking variety?
Can you construct a small program that even causes the race condition 
and causes wrong data to end up in the DB without throwing an error of 
any sort? (Never-mind corruption, even just proving the wrong data can 
end up there is enough to make me believe it's possible).

This is the first time in forever that anyone has described such a race 
condition to be, not only possible, but also file-damaging on this 
forum. If this is possible it should be of great concern to us all, so 
we want to know the detail very much.

The best way to avoid it, is to create the file as temp or just a 
different name, then rename it after the schema is added - but this 
advice is superfluous in my opinion - I don't think the race condition 
is what is going on - which means something else might be wrong that you 
are unaware of yet, so best is to make sure first that the hypothesis is 


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