On 01/11/2016 18:06, Rowan Worth wrote:
> On 12 January 2016 at 03:00, Felipe Gasper <felipe at felipegasper.com> wrote:
>> On 11 Jan 2016 1:45 PM, Scott Hess wrote:
>>> As far as preventing the other process from using it before the schema
>>> exists, do "SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master", and if the result is 0,
>>> the schema does not exist.  If you create the schema as a transaction,
>>> that
>>> will be atomic.
>> But in order for that SELECT to avert TOCTTOU errors, we?d have to do
>> BEGIN EXCLUSIVE LOCK at the beginning of every single DB handle creation.
> No, only the connection which is creating the schema needs BEGIN EXCLUSIVE.
> The other connections can determine the schema state based on a normal
> "SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master":
> * if it returns SQLITE_OK and at least one row, the schema has been created
> and it can proceed
> * if it returns SQLITE_OK and zero rows, the schema hasn't been created yet
> * if it returns SQLITE_BUSY, the schema is in the process of being created
> (or there's some other EXCLUSIVE transaction in progress, or a transaction
> is being committed at this very moment, or an in-progress write transaction
> has spilled sqlite's memory cache)
> As Scott also hinted at, hard linking DB files is dangerous because
> connections against each of the links will use different -journal files. In
> the event that your schema creation process (or the machine its running on)
> crashes halfway through COMMIT, connecting to the permanent database will
> cause corruption to be observed (because it's not aware of the other
> journal file and thus can't rollback the partial transaction).
> This may also be possible if another process simply connects to the
> permanent DB at just the wrong time (ie. halfway through the schema
> creation COMMIT)? Or maybe not, in my experience POSIX locks are maintained
> across hardlinks but I haven't checked if this is specified by the standard
> or file-system dependent.
> Do your different connections actually run different code? Or are you
> potentially in the situation where two threads are trying to create the
> same DB at the same time (each via their own .tmp file)?
> -Rowan
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TOCTTOU? What is that?

Scott Doctor
scott at scottdoctor.com

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