Good day,
Thank you for some avenues of investigation.

Q: Does your program examine the codes returned by SQLite3 calls and
check to see that they are all returning SQLITE_OK ?

A1: The upgrade process is done by a script. It isn't error checking &
executes queries via the shell tool.  I followed up with the script
folks and they got  a pull of the file system log from the failed
unit.  There are 2 queries that run to update new.db from data in
old.db, and appear to execute and update multiple rows each.

A2: From inspecting the normal op program (at the version of the
firmware tag)  It looks fairly good.
The only return code not checked is a on  commit/rollback that is
after a failed prepare statement or one particular function that takes
a checked input, performs bind, step, reset at one point.
There may be a vulnerability at one point to sqlite bind text that has
a null input for the string. The docs say such an oversight would
return SQLITE_MISUSE so the step would not happen.

Q: Does the script shut down the program and wait for the program to
quit before it starts running its own commands, or are the two things
done independently ?

A: The script does not check for a response but it waits. It would be
very unusual for their to be pending writes to the old db (or user
requests) while new db is extracting the information. I suppose WAL
mode would be safer here.

The upgrade Script doesn't check values of the returned by the shell
tool. That said. Since the alg is :update new.db from old.db, replace
old.db file with new.db. New.db's default value for cache is "reload
value from config files", the script failure would leave new.db in a
state that, as long as not corrupt, would simply reload from the
config files.

Q: Are both programs running on the computer with the database stored
on a hard disk, or is anything accessing the database across a network
A: All operations happen on locally stored flash or memory only. (The
new.db in an update is uncompressed to ram, once updates are complete,
then it gets copied to the local flash.)
The only network ops are "upload upgrade package to remote device,
then tell it to use it". There are no sqlite operations over a

--As per DRH's instruction----------
f:\Users\Adam>sqlite3.exe system.bad
SQLite version 3.10.0 2016-01-06 11:01:07
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .log stdout
sqlite> pragma integrity_check;
(11) database corruption at line 58034 of [fd0a50f079]
(11) database disk image is malformed
Error: database disk image is malformed

showdb: I assume this is a linux tool?  Where would I pull that from?
Our device doesn't have all the utilities but I can put a copy of the
bad db on a development linux environment for further tests.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Richard Hipp <drh at> wrote:
> On 1/12/16, Adam Devita <adevita at> wrote:
>> Shell Tool Observations:
>> SQLite version 2014-04-03 16:53:12
>> Enter ?.help? for usage hints.
> If you first do:  ".log stdout" before doing the "PRAGMA
> integrity_check", you might get some better diagnostics.  Or maybe
> not.  In any event, it doesn't hurt to try.
>> sqlite> pragma integrity_check;
>> Error: database disk image is malformed
> Other things to try:
>     ./configure; make showdb;
>     ./showdb your-corrupt-db-file.db dbheader
>     ./showdb your-corrupt-db-file.db pgidx
> There is a lot of other things you can do with the showdb program.
> Type "./showdb" with no argument for a very terse summary.  I, for
> one, would be very interested in seeing the output of the above two
> commands.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> drh at
> _______________________________________________
> sqlite-users mailing list
> sqlite-users at

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