On 14 Jan 2016, at 10:57am, Werner Kleiner <sqlitetester at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have written a small Wep application with PHP (PDO Apache,). This web app
> uses a sqlite db3 database. Also there is a Windows application which uses
> the same database file.
> Now we heard one time that there war a problem and in a log file we saw the
> error code
> "Database is locked"
> My question now is:
> Could this be a problem when Apache or PHP uses same database and also a
> windows application?

Yes.  In both applications you should set a timeout.  The way it is done in 
Windows depends on the language but for PHP PDO use you should set 


Example code:

$dbConnection->setAttribute(PDO:: ATTR_TIMEOUT, 5*60);  // five minutes


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