On 15 Jan 2016, at 7:51am, Werner Kleiner <sqlitetester at gmail.com> wrote:

> Takes your suggestion with PDO setAttribute(PDO:: ATTR_TIMEOUT,  the same
> effect as Richards with PRAGMA busy_timeout?
> For example I do a:
> $dbConnection =$db->query('PRAGMA busy_timeout=60000') ;
> instead of
> $dbConnection->setAttribute(PDO:: ATTR_TIMEOUT, 60);
> is this the same?

I haven't tested it (I use the sqlite3 library in PHP rather than PDO) but 
that's how I'd have implemented it had I written in.

I gave you the PDO-style solution because I guessed that if you've using PDO 
you probably want code which is useful in many databases, not just SQLite.


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