On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 4:53 AM, Matthew Allen <memecode at gmail.com> wrote:

> It seems that sqlite3.exe (console) doesn't work as a subprocess with
> pipes.
> [...] I expect there is something funny going on with sqlite3.exe's
> stdout/stdin.

Sorry to highjack your thread Matthew, but I have what I consider a related
use case.

I'd like to embed the SQLite3 shell into another program, both a console
program and a gui one,
and because I'd like it to access in-memory databases, this cannot be done
via forking and pipes.

Basically I'd like the shell to have a "Virtual Console Interface" (VCI),
to be able to reuse all the shell's
goodness, in client apps, w/o having to hack and duplicate the shell's
code. With some way to access
in-memory databases in the same process as well (a special form of attach
or an API?).

I realize the shell is not meant and designed to be embedded right now,
only the library is,
but I'd really like it to be, basically. My own 2016 wishful-thinking
feature request :). --DD

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