On 18 Jan 2016, at 11:51am, Domingo Alvarez Duarte <sqlite-mail at 
dev.dadbiz.es> wrote:

> The idea is to have a way to get a syntax tree of a sql string through the
> sqlite parser: synatx_tree sqlite3_sql_syntax_tree(const char *zSql);

The vast majority of copies of SQLite don't run on normal computers, they're 
embedded inside mobile phones, TV recorders, SatNav devices, etc..  So there 
would be no point in SQLite having the feature you requested as part of the 
standard installation of SQLite.

SQLite uses the Lemon parser to parse the SQL statement.  Details on it can be 
found here:


If you would like to write something that turns the output of that parser into 
a syntax tree in your preferred format, go ahead.  Should be interesting.

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