On 19 Jan 2016, at 9:13am, Christian Schmitz <realbasiclists at 
monkeybreadsoftware.de> wrote:

>> *         Retrieve Blob to NSData object - 3245 bytes
>> *         The retrieved data will not display.
> Do you pass it though encryption?
> 16 bytes sounds like an IV for AES stored before the data.

NSData doesn't involve encryption, but it does involve tagging the data with 
metadata, e.g. the fact that it's a string, and how long the string is.

There is an NSData accessor function which returns the length of the /content/ 
of the object.  Or, of course, you can obtain the length of the object itself.  
My guess is that somewhere in the code these one of these is being used where 
it should be the other.


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