The diagram got broken in my email and here is another try:

 Needs to be light | Needs to be    | Needs to do  |
 (small footprint) | Human-Readable | calculations |
 ----------------- | ---------------| ------------ |
 YES               | YES            | NO           | Integer as
                   |                |              | Igor's suggestion
                   |                |              |
 YES               | NO             | YES          | Float/Int
                   |                |              | Julianday
                   |                |              |
 NO                | YES            | YES          | Datetime/Numeric
                   |                |              | ISO Standard

With respect to Igor's suggestion, yyyymmdd (as integer), why not leave out
the century? I prefer the oldfashoned yymmdd.

Thanks, E. Pasma
30-01-2016 00:31, R Smith:

> On 2016/01/29 5:23 PM, Igor Tandetnik wrote:
>> Personally, I prefer cast(strftime('%Y%m%d', 'now') as int) - in other
>> words, storing calendar dates as integers like 20160129.
> The main advantage of this format is that it is of course
> human-readable, even as an integer.
> The important disadvantage is that you cannot do date calculations
> without first casting and translating - something the Julian day or more
> expensive 19-char ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS which is
> human-readable AND in most systems calculatable) is better at.
> My point being: when I decide which date format to use, I first try to
> establish whether I will use it for calculations or simply record/log
> purposes, and if readability (from data source) would be needed/helpful
> or not. The decision matrix ends up something like this:
> Needs to be light (small footprint)|     Needs to be Human-Readable
> |     Needs to do calculations       |
> ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------
> | ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------
> YES                  | YES                 |
> NO                 | Integer (as Igor's suggestion)
> YES                  |                NO     |
> YES                |  Float/Int Julianday
> NO                   | YES                 |
> YES                | Datetime/Numeric ISO Standard
> ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------
> | ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------
> If you can say "No" to two of these criteria, go for the most efficient.
> If you can say "No" to all three criteria, perhaps reconsider whether
> you really need that column in your table.
> Cheers,
> Ryan
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