> On 3/16/16, Daniel Telvock <dtelvock at investigativepost.org> wrote:
>> I was at the Investigative Reporters and Editors Conference last week
>> and the presenter for SQLite courses 1 and 3 said that it is actually
>> pronounced SQ Lite. Even he thought that was odd considering SQL is a
>> term or acronym.
> I wrote SQLite, and I think it should be pronounced "S-Q-L-ite".  Like
> a mineral.  But I'm cool with y'all pronouncing it any way you want. :-)
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> drh at sqlite.org

Thank you all for the responses, video reference, and apologizes for
the origin post of pasting directly from the Wikepedia webpage, they
have (eskju:el'lait) or (si:kwel.lait).

I'm making some tutorial videos for my project and just wished to
appear to know slightly what I was talking about when using SQLite,
pronouncing, for the examples database connection for demonstration.

Dana Proctor

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