> I need to have a CEIL function in SQLite. This is the way I implemented it:
> WITH percentage AS (
>      SELECT date
>      ,           100.0 * rank / outOf         AS percentage
>      ,      CAST(100.0 * rank / outOf AS int) AS castedPercentage
>      FROM ranking
> )
> SELECT date
> ,      (CASE WHEN percentage = castedPercentage
>             THEN castedPercentage
>             ELSE castedPercentage + 1
>         END) AS percentage
> FROM percentage
> Is this a good way, or is there a better way?
Probably  you can create your own function

void sqlite3_ceilFunc(sqlite3_context* context, int argc, 
sqlite3_value** values) {

SQliteContext cContext; //any sqlite context
sqlite3* pDB; //your DB session
sqlite3_create_function(pDB, "CEIL", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, &cContext, 
&sqlite3_ceilFunc, NULL, NULL);

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