> 2016-05-09 13:40 GMT+02:00 Michele Pradella <michele.pradella at selea.com>:
>> I need to have a CEIL function in SQLite. This is the way I implemented it:
>>> WITH percentage AS (
>>>       SELECT date
>>>       ,           100.0 * rank / outOf         AS percentage
>>>       ,      CAST(100.0 * rank / outOf AS int) AS castedPercentage
>>>       FROM ranking
>>> )
>>> SELECT date
>>> ,      (CASE WHEN percentage = castedPercentage
>>>              THEN castedPercentage
>>>              ELSE castedPercentage + 1
>>>          END) AS percentage
>>> FROM percentage
>>> Is this a good way, or is there a better way?
>>> Probably  you can create your own function
> ?But I want it to be possible for ?everyone? to use the application. People
> need to implement my function then. Or am I wrong about that?
Just add CEIL function with (sqlite3_create_function) when you need in 
your code. I do not understand what do you mean with "everyone" anyway 
if your application has the definition of CEIL function everyone using 
your application will have the function

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