So, is there any way that a 32 bit VB6 ActiveX dll or a32 bit VB6 ActiveX
exe could access a 64 bit SQLite dll?
All this only comes into play for me when using 64 bit VBA in Excel.
I have no problem to access the 64 bit SQLite dll from 64 bit VBA.


On Sun, May 15, 2016 at 7:12 PM, Richard Damon <Richard at>

> On 5/15/16 1:00 AM, dandl wrote:
>> But I think if you compile code for the x64 processor chip and call it
>>>> from x86 or vice versa then either it doesn't work or you pay a high
>>>> price for thunking from one to the other. I think that's unavoidable
>>>> regardless of OS.
>>> Right: doesn't work.  There's no performance penalty because there's no
>>> 32-64 bit thunking layer.
>> An interesting post, but not I think from someone with a deep
>> understanding
>> of the matter.
>> IMHO it would be perfectly possible to chunk either way, within the
>> limitations of a 4GB address space. The WOW64 layer already provides the
>> means for x86 apps to call the x64 Windows API. A thunk can do anything,
>> unless it's physically impossible or blocked by policy.
>> Regards
>> David M Bennett FACS
>> Andl - A New Database Language -
>> You can thunk an arbitrary 32 bit module to 64 bit code because the
> memory accessibly by the 32 bit code is all accessible by the 64 bit code.
> The converse doesn't work. Either the 64 bit code needs to make sure it
> puts the data in the lower 4GB, or the thunk layer needs to know enough
> about the data to copy it.
> This works for WOW64, as the 64 bit side is code designed to make it work
> with the thunking layer.
> For arbitrary 64 bit code, the thunking layer won't know enough about what
> needs to be copied into accessible memory.
> --
> Richard Damon
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