On 2016/05/16 8:17 AM, dandl wrote:
>> all rows are returned or zero rows are returned.  Thus the result is
>> deterministic.
>> Whether returning above or below the limit is done, is a separate thing to
>> decide, though I suggest returning above is better.
> I would say that this is an invalid query. As already applies for DISTINCT
> and GROUP BY, the query parser should require that every column in the
> column list should appear in the ORDER BY list. If it does not, then the
> result is indeterminate.
> Sqlite already permits indeterminate queries, but other SQL engines do not.

I don't think any DB in existence forces you to specify every column (in 
the column list) also in the ORDER BY list? If you call this 
indeterminate, then you cannot say that "other SQL engines" do not allow 
indeterminate queries. They all do.

What they don't allow is GROUP BY queries without aggregate specifiers 
on columns not included in the groupings. I also think that while SQLite 
allows this, it's not an oversight, there is an implicit method to it 
which may not be deterministic per se, but it is the Query maker's 
choice. Sometimes you don't care about the determinism - much like 
sometimes you don't care about the rest of the results when you say 
LIMIT 5. As Simon pointed out - ORDER BY and LIMIT etc already allows us 
to ask things that are not deterministic (in any DB) but not every 
result needs to be deterministic.

If the question is: "Name 5 marine animals", nobody cares which 5 you 
name, or in which order you name them.

It always seemed strange to me that in other DB engines when I KNOW the 
values in column 3 of the query is always going to be "20" in the 
grouping that I group by (or even when it doesn't matter what that value 
is), I can't even get my query to run in MSSQL if I don't go put that 
stupid column also in a MAX() function or remove it - so it forces me to 
do a most useless bit of extra coding so it itself can sleep well at 
night reveling in its own determinism.

It's like a car preventing you to steer out of your lane when you 
haven't switched on your indicator... An accident waiting to happen.

Note: I understand not all drivers are equal, and determinism in DBs is 
the safer choice, and I agree with it (And yes, I'm still one of the 
proponents of adding the "strict" mode in SQLite - please devs) - I just 
find it refreshing that some allow me to express what I really want in 
stead of making me type functions that has no value, and I can't agree 
calling such a feature "wrongful". Especially if the non-determinism of 
it is well-documented.

Most of the outcries I've seen on this forum to do with the above (or 
the ducky typing etc.) comes from people who jumps from using some other 
DB server to SQLite and didn't read the documentation, and then be 
bitten by it not doing things as they expect. They then proceed to offer 
many reasons why they should be justified in "expecting" the DB to do 
whatever they expected (with some merit, I should add), mostly citing 
another big DB engine's manners. All this in lieu of just reading the 
SQLite manual.  If they not going to read the docs, then it doesn't 
really matter which behaviour is chosen, it will surprise someone.



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