> On 18 May 2016, at 02:41, dandl <david at andl.org> wrote:
> Then you are mistaken. 
> 1. Consider the following set S of integers: 1,3,5,7,42,99,83,11.
> 2. Divide it into two subsets such that S1 is of size 3 and all members of
> S1 are larger than those in S2.
> A sort is unnecessary -- there are many algorithms that can do that purely
> based on set logic, the ability to compare members and the ability to
> determine the cardinality of a set.

I think the point is that your query may not have a solution if there are ties, 
i.e. the ordering is not complete:

Consider this set of integers: 1,3,5,7,42,99,83,11,83,83

In this case, there is no subset S1 of size 3 that satisfies your criterion.  
In an SQL query, the set returned by LIMIT 3 would not be defined uniquely.

Stefan Evert

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