On 2016/05/18 5:43 PM, James K. Lowden wrote:
> On Wed, 18 May 2016 08:32:24 +0200
> Clemens Ladisch <clemens at ladisch.de> wrote:
>> You get "foreign key mismatch" if you do not have the required
>> indexes, i.e., according to a comment in the source,
>> 1) The named parent key columns do not exist, or
>> 2) The named parent key columns do exist, but are not subject to a
>>     UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint, or
> Thank you, Clemens.  The FK declaration was
>              , foreign key (SegName, DbdName) references
>                       Segm(Name, DbdName)
> but the Segm PK was only Name.
> I'm not convinced the requirement that the referenced columns be unique
> is justified, but at least now I understand the message.  In this case
> it uncovered an error, so I got two for the price of one.  :-)

Hi James, I'm interested in this statement. I'm not sure that uniqueness 
is forced, although it has to be an Indexed column, though I could be 
wrong, and thinking about it more... I am surely wrong - which brings me 
to my question: How do you see a parent-child relationship possible 
where the parent is not Unique?

How could you cascade to children who doesn't know who their father is 
specifically and uniquely? Unless perhaps twin fathers are guaranteed to 
update/delete together and simultaneous (which is never enforceable from 
the FK perspective). If you think this possible, there must be some 
mechanism or wisdom I'm deprived of which I would very much like to remedy.


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