On Wed, 18 May 2016 20:29:26 +1000
"dandl" <david at andl.org> wrote:

> > 2.  Otherwise, if exactly the number of specified rows must be
> > returned without other restrictions, then the result is possibly
> > indeterminate.
> I agree, with one tiny tweak. The SQL standard already notes that
> certain queries of this kind are "implementation-dependent". Here is
> an example.
> "If the <declare cursor> does not contain an <order by clause>, or
> contains an <order by clause> that [...]

Anything implementation-dependent depends on the implementation.  Ergo,
it is not mathematicaly defined.  It has no theoretical basis.  

Darren Duncan <darren at darrenduncan.net> wrote:

> The options with point 1 are not only deterministic but fully
> relational.

Darren, I agree one could define LIMIT to be deterministic.  But, as
you know, deterministic does not imply relational.  

The point I've made consistently is that the input to LIMIT is not a
value in the database.  As such, it couldn't be a relational operator,
and it's no surprise it appears nowhere in the literature.  Crowning it
"fully relational" is stuff and nonsense.  

I personally don't see any value in making it deterministic.  The best
use of LIMIT is to control command-line output while inspecting the
data.  Pretty much every other use invites error.  Deterministic error
doesn't look like much of an improvement to me.  


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