My suggestion is add the extra columns you need to the view, then when you make 
a query against that view, only specify the more limited set of output columns 
you want in the final output

As others have said already, don?t think of a view as a stored query.  Think of 
it as multiple joined tables into a ?virtual? table which you can then do more 
simple queries against then you would have to do in some monster join.  it 
basically will let you hide all the complicated stuff you say you have now into 
the view, then use very simple select statements on that view to produce your 
final report?which only shows the columns you want.

On May 23, 2016, at 7:02 AM, Balaji Ramanathan <balaji.ramanathan at> 

> Hi,
> I have created some views in my database by joining multiple tables to pull
> out specific columns from these tables without having to remember the exact
> SQL and joins (easy repeatability). But it looks like I have misunderstood
> how views work and have run into some limitations when using these views. I
> was wondering if any of you have any workarounds for these limitations.

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