On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 4:49 PM, Steve Schow <steve at bstage.com> wrote:

> My suggestion is add the extra columns you need to the view, then when you
> make a query against that view, only specify the more limited set of output
> columns you want in the final output

SQLite almost supports what's needed, but only for VIRTUAL tables. [1]

The HIDDEN trick doesn't work in tables (parses fine, but ignored), and
doesn't work in views (doesn't parse, at least in 3.10.2 when I tried).

If that trick was extended to views, as in

   create view v (col1, col2, col3 HIDDEN) as select ...

then Balaji could have `select * from v` only return col1 and col2, yet
still be able to filter/sort on col3. i.e. the cake and ... --DD

PS: I actually thought HIDDEN was supported for tables, but sadly it isn't
PPS: Oracle12c uses INVISIBLE for such columns. See [2].

[1] https://www.sqlite.org/vtab.html#hiddencol

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