> I tried your example and got ~0.45s for json and ~0.37s for my
> implementation;

I have also tried a custom virtual table, and I also get figures about
20-30% faster than with json.

> Interesting: when NOT using "primary key" (I have a flag for this), the
> times are ~ 0.26s vs 0.18s vs 0.47s !

Interesting indeed, I had (incorrectly) assumed that providing the rowid
would help with performance.

> I agree json works fast enough for such simple example, but I don't know
> how you could use it for e.g. 2 fields;

There are two approaches I found that work with varying degrees of
efficiency depending on the data (how many columns, how large...):

* concat the row data into a string, pass those as a json array, then in
sqlite, use json_each, instr and substr and cast to parse back to columns

* stream the rows as a json array of json objects, and parse in sqlite with
json_each and json_extract, using

   select json_extract(value, '$.a') a, json_extract(value, '$.b') b
   from (select value from json_each('[{"a":1,"b":2},{"a":3,"b":3}]'))


   select json_extract(value, '$.a') a, json_extract(value, '$.b') b
   from json_each('[{"a":1,"b":2},{"a":3,"b":3}]')

from "a mile high", both forms had a similar performance, but I have not
looked at the vdbe nor at the bowels of json_extract/each.

I will likely got with the custom virtual table in my particular case, but
being able to insert straight from json is something I will definitely use
knowing it's faster than doing it with code (all APIs that revolve around
running queries on input data would be a perfect fit).


On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 3:32 PM, Gabriel Corneanu <gabrielcorne...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> As I know you from Delphi related projects, I thought it would be nice to
> share my ideas.
> I am using a home-grown framework for sqlite persistence, optimized for
> storing records into tables.
> Main ideas:
> - using virtual tables (with the same structure) to speed up sqlite inserts
> a write translates to: insert into test("ID") select "ID" from
> temp.tmp_test
> - based on RTTI to generate optimized code for accessing/returning data
> - supports all common data (ints, floats, string, blob/TBytes)
> I tried your example and got ~0.45s for json and ~0.37s for my
> implementation; I have also tried using simple recursive cte (see code
> below) but it was slower, ~0.66s.
> I think most of the time is spent in packing the integers and building the
> btree(s) (i.e. CPU bound). Enabling the "name" field below ("storage"
> attribute) increased the processing time (my implementation only) to ~0.47,
> which I think confirms my interpretation.
> Interesting: when NOT using "primary key" (I have a flag for this), the
> times are ~ 0.26s vs 0.18s vs 0.47s !
> Looks like sqlite is optimized to generate the rowid, and it is slower when
> explicitly set (even if it's the same value).
> I agree json works fast enough for such simple example, but I don't know
> how you could use it for e.g. 2 fields;
> Hope it helps,
> Gabriel
> Code:
> type
>   TTestRecord = record
>     [Storage('ID', [sfPrimaryKey])]
>     //[Storage('ID')]
>     ID : Int32;
>     //[Storage('name')]
>     name: string;
>   end;
> procedure TForm2.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
> var
>   db : TSQLiteDatabase;
>   tb : TVirtualTableDataArray<TTestRecord>;
>   r : TTestRecord;
>   i : integer;
>   pf, t,t1,t2,t3: int64;
>   json: TStringBuilder;
> begin
>   tb := TVirtualTableDataArray<TTestRecord>.Create;
>   json := TStringBuilder.Create;
>   db := TSQLiteDatabase.Create;
>   db.OpenWrite(':memory:');
>   tb.Setup(db.DB.DB, 'test');
>   tb.CreateTable;
>   tb.VTInit;
>   json.Append('[');
>   for i := 1 to 1000000 do
>   begin
>     r.ID := i;
>     r.name := i.ToString;
>     tb.Items.Add(r);
>     if i > 1 then
>       json.Append(',');
>     json.Append(i);
>   end;
>   json.Append(']');
>   QueryPerformanceCounter(t);
>   db.db.ExecSQL('insert into test(id) select value from json_each(?)',
> [json.ToString]);
>   QueryPerformanceCounter(t1);
>   t1 := t1-t;
>   tb.CreateTable;
>   QueryPerformanceCounter(t);
>   tb.WriteData;
>   QueryPerformanceCounter(t2);
>   t2 := t2-t;
>   tb.CreateTable;
>   QueryPerformanceCounter(t);
>   db.db.ExecSQL('WITH RECURSIVE ' +
>                 'cnt(x) AS (VALUES(1) UNION ALL SELECT x+1 FROM cnt WHERE
> x<'+tb.Count.ToString+
>                 ') insert into test(id) select x from cnt');
>   QueryPerformanceCounter(t3);
>   t3 := t3-t;
>   QueryPerformanceFrequency(pf);
>   ShowMessageFmt('N=%d  T1=%.2fs  T2=%0.2fs T3=%.2fs', [tb.Count, t1/pf,
> t2/pf, t3/pf]);
>   tb.Free;
>   db.Free;
>   json.Free;
> end;
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