On 2016/06/13 3:12 PM, Olivier Mascia wrote:
Le 13 juin 2016 à 15:02, R Smith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> a écrit :

The application will be used by ± 10 users via RDP TSE clients.

Hi Luc,
There is no safe way to do what you need. Networked file systems do not play 
nice with file-locking. SQLite is suitable for localized storage, not 
Networked-multi-user-access systems. You need a client-server architecture for 

Unless I am mistaken and all teh 10 users access the DB from the same computer, 
or you have an interface application that accesses the DB and then serves the 
data to the clients, there is no safe way to access an SQLite DB file via a 
network from many clients - WAL or no WAL.
The OP will confirm us how to interpret his use-context, but Ryan, I think by 
mentioning RDP TSE (remote desktop protocol - terminal services clients), the 
application will actually run on the server-side, no database file access over 
a networked file-system. So WAL is not ruled out here. The rest is a matter of 
clean application design.

Yes I think you may be right, but it is not guaranteed. I have one client for instance where the users are all RDP TSE but then they all access files via a shared repo which, even though it is on the same system, still goes through the networking protocol - caused me endless headaches to figure that out. If however it is all RDP TSE and local files to the common system drives, it should be perfectly OK for the OP.
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