What's the programming language used in the application?

I use Freepascal / Lazarus as a programming language and my own sqlite wrapper 
written in Freepascal as well.

I will add the sqlite3_extended_errcode + sqlite3_errstr to the wrapper lib in 
order to get extended error infos and will have a look at sqlite logging system.

What you might miss too is a busy_handler function or at the minimal 
configuring the default busy handler with sqlite3_busy_timeout() to configure a 
longer than default timeout

A Busy_hanlder is already implemented in the application exe via a callback and 
works pretty well (just a message box to notice the user he/she must wait a 
little...) but I will have a look to use a longer timout.

Thanks Olivier and Ryan for all for your advices

I just need to do my homework now :)



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