Hi SQLite devs,

In response to a recent forum post and many other posts, where SQLite corrupt files or Index integrity was the problem at hand, I was wondering if we could ask for an API function that would corrupt a DB for us.

I would like to use this to test all our systems' ability to catch bad DBs or survive them at least. I also maintain one of the SQLite DB management tools and would like to test it and make it more apt at detecting, handling and perhaps even solving some of the corruptions. (I know someone here made some recovery tools already).

A simple:
  int sqlite3_makecorrupt(*sqlite3_db , Int corruptionType)

I know I can write nonsense over the file, but I was hoping to be able to cause specific common corruptions, like Invalid-Schema, Missing Index entries, Missing pages etc. with this command. It need not be fancy, just find the first table that can be corrupted in the DB, and mess with it enough to fail an integrity check, but still work if possible. (Or whatever check is appropriate to detecting that kind of corruption, if any). Also, making it part of the connection API, it means the file I am corrupting had to already be opened successfully and so must be a valid SQLite DB to start with.

A returned error code might indicate whether successfully corrupted (I might ask to corrupt by missing Index entries, and the DB might have no usable Indices). Other returned codes might be the usual SQLITE_BUSY, SQLITE_NOT_A_DB and the like. (This is the kind of things hard to check if I am just messing with the file from outside a connection).

Another possibility is to produce a file-copy (perhaps via the backup API) of the DB that gets corrupted in stead of the DB itself - this is probably safer and lends itself better to testing environments where I can manufacture many different corruptions from the same DB file. Maybe add a parameter where I can suggest the new filename.

Perhaps force a new file named to clearly indicate it (to avoid accidents and people with nefarious intents from messing with working DBs easily) such as:
(from MyDB.sqlite as the original or suggested name).

The one thing I'm not sure about, maybe you or others have thoughts on this, is whether the corruption should be random or repeatable.

I'm thinking this must already exist somewhat in the vast SQLite test-suite in some form.


PS: It would probably be very useful too for embedded/phone type systems to test battery-fail or unplugged-cable type corruptions - though these are easy to simulate already, but if in the API, it could more easily be included in test scripts.

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