On 2016/07/05 9:30 PM, Zsbán Ambrus wrote:
On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 2:03 PM, R.A. Nagy <r.a.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
I am putting together a commercial training for SQLite. I would like to use
the SQLite logo - as seen on the website - on the cover of the materials.

SQLite has a logo...

wow.  I didn't notice that before.  I just checked the homepage
"http://sqlite.org/";, and it shows a feather in the corner that looks
basically the same as the Apache logo.  Is there a reason why they're
so similar?  I mean, they're both for software, so it can be confusing
for people who (unlike me) actually pay attention to logos.

They look nothing alike - I mean apart from the fact they both display a feather. Apache uses a multi-coloured pen feather with visible downs-feather base (the soft fluffy bit near the bottom of the branching section) to represent the typical feathers that might adorn the head-band of an Apache Indian chief. No doubt the connotation was made to symbolise its relative light-ness in a World of heavy Web servers.

SQLite shows an outer-wing section feather of a smaller bird (no downs, shorter with wider blade) in more or less the same orientation as the Apache feather, but with no colours (just white on blue background) to symbolise very specifically the lightness of the product (I imagine).

They both contain upright feathers, but that's where the similarity ends, for if it was the intent of the SQLite creators to mimic the Apache logo, they did a very poor job of it!

It's like saying the Miami Dolphins has the same Logo as MySQL... :)

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