
Thanks for the update.

We have done a few more tests during the day and not had any issues to date. This is still on a test version but we are getting a warm, cuddly feeling about using WAL mode.

The -wal file grows as you describe and you have explained it very well. We were groping in the twilight to get to where we wanted to go, your explanation brought a bright beacon of light onto the proceedings. (I have been watching too many speeches from the various US political conventions in the US though I am British).

We will investigate changing the page size. We would need to work out the row size.

I will note in future your OCD and ensure that I am accurate in reporting numbers rather than have self inflicted rounding errors, 60x is a nicer number than 50x as it maps to mins and secs more easily :)

Thanks again for the help.


On 7 Aug 2016, at 12:11, R Smith wrote:

On 2016/08/07 8:55 AM, Rob Willett wrote:
Richard, Ryan,

Thanks for this. We were dimly aware of WAL but until now hadn’t needed to use it.

We’ve done a quick check with it and it *seems* to work on a test database. We’ve all read the docs again and paid attention to https://www.sqlite.org/wal.html#bigwal

To test if it works we started our long running analytics query, on our test machine it takes around 8 mins. We then speed up the rate of updating our database with external data. In the real world an update comes along every 3-5 mins, in our test system we queue them up so we have them every 6-10 secs so they are around 60x quicker. The updates are real data around 3-5MB in size.

We monitored the -wal and the .shm files created as we throw data in the database.

The .wal file gets larger and larger until it hits 224MB and then stays constant, the .shm file is only 1.8MB and seems to stay at that size. We can also see that the main sqlite database is NOT updated (or at least the timestamp isn’t) whilst we are running the updates in WAL mode. This appears to be correct as the updates would be in the -wal file.

I'm truncating this post for brevity - but basically your concern about the size (voiced later in the post) is not a concern. What happens is the stated 4MB is simply 1000 pages x 4KB default page size - your page size might be a lot bigger (and should be set higher looking at your DB size and data entry sizes - I think it is "nicer" if, at a minimum, a complete row can fit on a page). Further, the WAL for your version of SQLite will grow with copies of data and multiple inserts in it because of the long-running query not allowing push-back check points for the time - and looking at your insert frequency and size, your WAL size seems pretty normal. (If you manage it wrong, it will fill up Terrabytes - this is the situation you want to avoid, but I think you've got it sorted).

The Documentation simply describes the normal situation, which yours isn't.

Also, on a point of satisfying my OCD... going on your quoted averages - 5 minutes vs. 10 secs is a 30:1 ratio (5 mins = 300 seconds vs. 10 secs) so the speed is only 30x faster, not 60) - And before anyone asks, yes the low end of the ranges given is 3mins (180s) vs. 6 secs which is also a 30:1 ratio. Even if I take the opposite range extremes (5 mins vs. 6s) I still only get 50x speedup. LoL - Sorry, I'll shush now :)

As an aside, I think Richard posted a small study of testing multiple DB ops with varying page sizes and varying hardware page sizes, and basically, IIRC, the Jury was out on best size in the general case with 8192 seeming to be a good standard and the idea that the page size should try match the underlying OS page size for best performance turned out to be a bit of a "sometimes maybe", but the point was made that every implementation should experiment to find the optimum size. That said, my memory cannot be trusted - could someone re-post that or point us to an on-line page somewhere? Thanks!


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