On 2016/08/06 10:50 PM, Rob Willett wrote:

Our understanding of this is that many processes can READ the database at the same time but NO process can INSERT/UPDATE if another is reading. We had thought that one process can write and multiple processes can read. Our reading (no pun intended) now of this paragraph from the manual is that you cannot write if one or more processes is reading. Have we understood this correctly? If so is there an easy way to get around this?

The Write-Ahead-Log (WAL) journal mode will help you. It basically allows a writer to write to the WAL Log in stead of the main database so that any amount of readers can still do their thing reading the database (and the parts of the WAL journal that is already committed, or even parts still in progress if you use "read_uncommitted" mode). SQLite then pushes committed data into the DB file based on Checkpoints which you can invoke directly or set up to happen every so often.

This is the new way to do things and the way you should always use unless you have a specific reason not to (which might include file restrictions, needing read-only-ness, separate speedy DBs that doesn't fsync() so much, etc.)

More information here:

Your DB is quite big and it seems you write often, so please take special note of this section:

HTH - Cheers,
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