Igor wrote:
" On 9/7/2016 6:11 PM, Stephan Mueller wrote:
" > I understand that a way to ensure "SELECT is unperturbed" semantics is to
" > use separate connections for SELECT and updates.
" If you go down that route, make sure you are using WAL journaling mode; 
" it won't work otherwise.

I see that now -- only WAL provides snapshot isolation.

" > This is undesirable since I'd have to (IIUC) do all my updates (possibly
" > millions) in a single transaction.
" I don't see how this follows.

My thinking (in the absence of WAL) was that committing earlier would
result in my SELECT connection potentially seeing the updates.

" > I'd prefer to commit after each update
" You can't commit on a single connection either, while there's an 
" unfinalized SELECT statement traversal going on. So you aren't gaining 
" anything by trying to interleave SELECT and updates on the same connection.

This is the current situation that I need to correct.  My SQLite is old enough
that it doesn't prevent committing in this case (nor does it support WAL
mode).  My next step is to update my SQLite.

" > That is, if I ever receive a record that ought to have arrived earlier
" > because of ORDER BY, it must be a since-SELECT-began update, and
" > should be ignored.
" When data is modified under SELECT's feet, phantom rows are just one 
" problem; it's also possible for the statement to skip rows it would have 
" otherwise returned, and to return rows containing stale data. Basically, 
" undefined behavior is undefined.

So I'd better address this, to minimize chance of my hard drive being
reformatted :-)

Many thanks,

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