Igor wrote:
" On 9/8/2016 1:15 PM, Stephan Mueller wrote:
" > " > I'd prefer to commit after each update
" > " You can't commit on a single connection either, while there's an
" > " unfinalized SELECT statement traversal going on. So you aren't gaining
" > " anything by trying to interleave SELECT and updates on the same 
" >
" > This is the current situation that I need to correct.  My SQLite is old 
" > that it doesn't prevent committing in this case
" Check for errors. I predict your COMMIT statement fails.

In my experience, the COMMITs have been succeeding.   I do check errors;
any SQLite error raises an exception (I don't trap it) using the "RaiseError"
option in perl's DBI.

I have received errors about not being able to rollback while select/fetch
loop is in progress, but these have been easy to deal with -- I finish the
select loop before rolling back.  (And before, the process exited in that
un-rolled back state; next invocation succeeded in rolling back at
startup because no active select existed then.

Updating from SQLite 3.6.22 to (my choices are limited to available
PPM packages for my stable but old perl release) seems to work the
same way -- permitting updates, succeeding commits with no ill-effects
yet ever seen.


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