Daniel Meyer wrote:
We are interested in using sqlite as a read only, in memory, parallel
access database.  We have database files that are on the order of 100GB
that we are loading into memory.  We have found great performance when
reading from a single thread.  We need to scale up to have many parallel
reader threads.  Once the DB is created it never needs to be modified.  How
can we allow many reader threads on an in memory, write once read many
times database and achieve multi-core performance?  Is this possible with

Thanks for all the helpful responses.  I have moved forward experimenting
with using parallel readers on an in memory sqlite database.  I have found
that I get true concurrency (multi-core speed up) when I create a new
connection to my database file on disk in every thread.  I've verified this
by running a single long query and then running the same query in several
threads and ensuring the net time is the same as the single thread query

In order to get parallel readers on an in memory database I first loaded
the file into memory with:
rc = sqlite3_open_v2("file::memory:?cache=shared", &db, SQLITE_OPEN_URI |
I hold onto the db reference in the main thread after loading the data and
don't close that connection until all the worker threads are done
attempting to run my long query.

I then spawn N threads, each creating their own connection like so:
rc = sqlite3_open_v2("file::memory:?cache=shared", &db, SQLITE_OPEN_URI |
I have experimented with the various flags; however, everything I do gives
me serial performance.  There is some kind of mutex locking the database so
that running my query say two times takes twice as long as running it once
whereas with the disk based approach using this connection string in each
rc = sqlite3_open("data.sl3", &db);
makes the total time to run the query twice the same as running it just

I am hypothesizing that since we are using 'cache=shared' and hence each
thread is sharing the same cache each read requires locking the database.
What I would like is to get the same kind of behavior as we get with "
file::memory:?cache=shared" wherein every time I open a new connection that
connection points to the same memory; however, does not actually involve
sharing the cache so no global mutex locks the database on every read.

I have put my test code in a gist.
My C code is here:
I generate the 1.5GB test database with this python 3.4 script:

I compiled the C code on my system with the following command:
gcc -std=gnu99 test.c -o test -lsqlite3 -lpthread (I did download the
amalgamation and copied the sqlite.h and sqlite.o files into my cwd after

I apologize if the C code is not as clean as it could be.  I'm primarily a
Python programmer but figured i'd be more likely to get help with a C test
case so I did my best to hack this together.  The Python GIL was confusing
the situation in any case.

A little background on what I am doing:  I have several large datasets that
I wish to serve up to customers to generate custom reports based on unique
slices of the data.  I am using a cluster of machines with .5TB of memory
each so loading all the data into memory is reasonable in my case.  I've
found that against my production work load I get massive speedups in single
threaded tests against the in memory database relative to the disk
version.  In fact I have found that the single threaded sqlite in memory
tests are faster than all the other database solutions i've looked at so I
am very excited about using sqlite, nevertheless I really need to scale to
many cores.  Also, my work load is highly random so cache is not much
help.  I really want the data in memory.  Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have started experimenting with memory mapped io; however, I have not had
much luck so far.

Use LMDB in SQLightning. Since LMDB reads acquire no locks, they scale perfectly linearly across arbitrarily many CPUs. No other DB engine will do what you're looking for. Everything else based on locking will bottleneck as soon as you extend beyond a single CPU socket.

I would not mind creating a fork of sqlite on github and hacking the code
if someone could give me pointers on what needs to be modified to get this
working.  Certainly if there is an extra flag or URI I need to use to get
concurrent in memory read access that would be great, but I'm willing to
try and modify the source code and sharing with the community if I can
figure out how to get this going.

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp.           http://www.symas.com
  Director, Highland Sun     http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP  http://www.openldap.org/project/
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