
I find I have to agree with the opinion that says keep the ODBC driver
should be external to the SQLite source.

Why? Well, how many other database engines, client/server or otherwise, come
with an ODBC driver embedded with the engine?  The answer of course is none.
Plenty of vendors supply drivers for all kinds of technologies - JDBC, OLEDB
etc but I'm not aware of a single one that embeds the driver with their

Surely the beauty of a loosely coupled system is the flexibility afforded to
the developer to choose the interface that best suits their needs, whilst
still maintaining a small, robust and fast backend.
The SQLite download pages are testimony to the enthusiasm of developers for
creating SQLite interfaces for a wide variety of

I've used the SQLite ODBC driver in an environment whereby we use SQLite to
simulate differing client/server backends and I've found, by and large, that
despite the authors caveat about it being experimental, it works really
well.  Certainly better than the OpenLink driver to Informix which it

Also, I'd rather Richard et al were concentrating their minds on the things
I CAN'T do, like improving the engine, rather than wasting their time
re-inventing the wheel on things I CAN do.......


-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond Irving [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 May 2004 21:08
Subject: RE: [sqlite] SQLite and ODBC


I've download the version at http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/ and it
works just fine. I was only making a suggestion that such a cool database
should come bundled with an ODBC driver (meaning it's part of the

SQLite is very cool but it does not make any sense if it can't be (easily)
integrated with existing components. Rather than having the ODBC driver
separate I would suggest that it be a part of the teams plan for future
versions. Darren said that this would add more load the the developers but I
don't think it should really.

Making SQLite more connectable is something that the team should also
consider. Not everyone uses C or C++ and not all components have an
interface to bind an array. We just have to look at what tools we have
available and see how best we can make them integrate-able.

Raymond Irving

"Griggs, Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Regarding: "I was more think of ways to get an SQLite Database connected to
every day database objects and controls."

A good point!

This may be a naive comment of mine, but if you just forgot about the
vanilla sqlite download page, and instead considered page:
to be THE release point for sqlite-cum-ODBC, would that not give you what
you need?

[writing for myself, and not on behalf of my company]

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