Gerhard Haering wrote:

On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 09:40:44AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[...] The following SQL does not work, complaint is "Error: no such column: B.GROUP_ID"

select ID, (select SERVER_ID from A where A.ID=B.GROUP_ID) as GROUP_ID
from B [...]

Looks like you haven't read this resource, yet:

It mentions, among others:
   Variable subqueries
       Subqueries must be static. They are evaluated only once. They
       may not, therefore, refer to variables in the main query.

I'm not the original poster.. but I'm trying to come up to speed on SQL/sqlite and I'm having some trouble understanding this... What is an example of a static subquery? And how would one re-write this to eliminate the subquery?


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