If you are using Linux, you can use the /dev/shm. This is a memory resident file system. I use this and find it about 200 times faster than writing to disk. The only problem is that this is erased when the server reboots. I hope this is of some use :)


Lorenzo Jorquera wrote:
 My company is starting a project in wich we will have to process
large amounts of data and save the results to a db2 database.
 Because this data process needs to be very fast, the idea is to load
the data in memory and apply the transformations in C++. I think that
sqlite inmemory databases could be a good alternative to this, but
when I proposed this solution to my boss, he asked if someone has
already used sqlite for this purpose. I found that this use of sqlite
is cited in the wiki, but I can't find any concrete examples. If any
of you  can share some success histories with me,  I will be very
 Thanks in advance,
PD: please, forgive my english, it is a little rusty...

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